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Next Digital Divide- Netflix vs Udemy Generation

Society inherently shall always remain a hierarchical set up with 2 broad divisions- Elites and Non-elites.

This division shall exist across the spectrum- Economic elites and non-elites, Intellectual elites and non-elites, Elite Readers (eg- StoryBrunch Subscribers) vs Non-elite readers.

The term digital divide refers to advantages people with internet data facilities have over those without them.

This barrier will diminish with time as cheaper data and low-cost smartphones will penetrate the remotest hinterlands of India. Speed and duration of availability may vary in different regions,but accessibility won’t be an issue in few years.

It will lead to emergence of a new form of Digital Divide.A new hierarchy in digital society,which will reflect itself in real world too,will take shape- Digital Elites vs Digital Non-elites.

Digital elites will comprise of youths who will make better use of data, for example in leaning new skills, new technology, a new software or any adding any information in their particular field of work,such as dentistry, civil engineering etc. Some will emerge as the best content creators, writers ,other may become marketing gurus heading multi-million dollars advertisement firms, and various other roles depending on one’s area of expertise in different domains. And all this can be achieved solely on the basis of online learning.

On the other hand,Digital non-elites will comprise of individuals wasting their time in binge watching Netflix and Hotstar, Youtube songs, engaging in fruitless  caste based, community based, race based and politics based arguments on social media,and those  trying to gain some followers uploading beautiful pics on Instagram and Facebook. These activities should be reserved for leisure time,at maximum for an hour a day and should not become part of one’s lifestyle.

Social media features have been designed to fool people by seeking false validations

– for example, the likes,share buttons on Facebook,Retweets option on Twitter are tools to satiate the validation seeking tendency of most of the humans.

To become a social media influencer, one needs to add value to one’s self,which they can impart to their followers. Without expertise one remains merely a big or small handle on Twitter and Instagram ,does not become a celebrity. People with expertise in domain and real contributory value do not need to work separately to gain followers, the reach increases on its own. Social media celebrity is a myth and a term invented by mainstream media for big handles. To dominate on social media one needs to work on content in real life,put years of hardwork to shine as the best ,even in the niche of meme making.

To conclude,one must use digital facilities for adding real value in one’s and others’ lives,by adding domain expertise through online learning.Else one will become part of the ‘digital’ non-elites.

What we call- Netflix vs Udemy Generation.

Digital prefix here is redundant.

An elite in real world will remain an elite digitally too,that’s the main argument of this article.

Share this article with someone wasting precious time online in fruitless activities.

Written by Story Brunch


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