
How to Rapidly Increase Followers on Twitter ?

Image by Joshua Eckstein from Pixabay

A large follower base on Twitter is of great advantage for aspiring social media influencers, digital marketeers , fresher journalists, popular content portals, and in general . Anyone who can shape others’ opinions gains relative power. More the number of followers one has, more is the relative power in one’s niche/domain. One can gain fame even by utilizing one’s leisure time meticulously.

Twitter is one of the best tools for marketing of books,blogs , and other digital products. Twitter crowd has comparatively more purchasing power than that of Facebook/Instagram users (per capita basis) because of relatively more elite active users.

StoryBrunch Content Research team brings to readers a wonderful thread written by the handle @WrongsToWrite whose bio says-

‘Teaching you how to write your way to becoming the hero of your story in life and on paper • Turn pen into profit and stories into sales’

We suggest readers to go through these techniques if they are aspiring to become a big handle on Twitter. The methodology is Twitter specific and not for other Social Media platforms.

Specially helpful for writers and content creators.

1. Understand the audience

People are on here for 3 reasons only.

– To be validated.

– To be educated.

– To be entertained.

Always keep this in mind before tweeting.

2. Optimize your bio

People care less about who you are and more about how you can help them

When they visit your profile, they should know in 5 seconds what your account is about

Don’t be generic, stand out

There’s too many “Hustle | Motivate | Money” bios

Have a BIG idea.

3. Brand yourself

@getpaidwrit &@uppedcopy are great examples.
Their pictures, banners, and handles all work with their entire account.
Clean aesthetic and focused on a niche.
You want to be “that” person.
Writing, copy, fitness, flipping, etc.

4. Comment under big accounts

5+ comments a day under large accounts (100k+).

5+ comments a day under medium accounts (10k-90k).

Provide value and be genuine.

DO NOT just rephrase the original account’s tweet.

If you have nothing of value to add, don’t say anything.

5. Use lists

• People

• Love to read

• Things that are on lists

Get creative

And use different

Ways to list things

6. Negativity bias

People have a built in bias to notice negative phrases.

You’ll commonly see: “Stop destroying your….” “You’re doing this wrong…” “10 mistakes you’re making…”

If you want more eyes on your tweets, utilize this.



7. Quote tweet accounts

Add value to the original tweet by expanding on the idea in a retweet.

If it’s thoughtful, authentic, and valuable then there’s a good chance the OP will retweet you.

Add value, not some generic platitude.

8. Be polarizing

People follow strong voices.

If you have an opinion, don’t be afraid to voice it.

Polarization is what connects like-minded individuals.

9. Use pictures
Everything on Twitter is pretty much text
Use high quality pictures to make your posts stand out
Try and make them relate to what your message is about.

10. Format

Formatting is what gets your reader in the door

If it’s too long or clunky, most won’t take the time to read

Eyes will get tired


• Space out your lines (like shown above)

• Break your writing up with headings

• Use bullet points .

Written by Story Brunch


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