
How to Clear Job Interview in One Round?

Secret Mantra To Take Lead Over Competitors In A Job Interview

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

To clear any interview or exam in life, the basic mantra of preparation is

‘DO everything which others do, but do a bit EXTRA’.

StoryBrunch got in touch with professionals from different work domains who were good at clearing interviews in one round and used to score high in group discussions, after scanning many LinkedIn HR posts, we here present the methodology to ace an interview with swag.

Remember that this has to be followed along with the basic preparation for any job interview one is going to appear for.

We are going to tell you what is EXTRA in preparation which will make you shine apart from other candidates.

The first thing one should do is to visit the website of the company which is set to visit your campus. All the important information on the website should be properly read.

The following things must be noted down

  • The motto of the company

  • The ongoing and future projects

  • CSR Projects being undertaken by the company.

  • Other Important Info

After that, all the information gathered must be made proper use in interview preparation.

Let’s see for example-

For questions such as ‘Why do you wish to work in XYZ company?’ most aspirants will answer the general answers related to personal growth, brand value, etc. When you are asked the same question, you can mention how you wish to be associated with a brand that works for the upliftment of poor tribal children through CSR projects. It adds a humane selfless dimension to your personality which is distinct from the answers of most of the candidates.

Similarly, on questions related to work culture, and work ethics, one can easily use the motto/objectives of the company.

It serves 2 advantages

  • Your answers are beautiful and distinct from others, they add to your personality
  • It shows that you have a keen interest in the company and you have worked to get into it.

Knowledge about ongoing projects and future projects of the company should be used in adding skill sets in alignment with those projects in your CV. For example, a company in petrol and diesel vehicles may be looking to venture into the electric vehicles field. If your skillsets are in alignment with the future demands of the company, you have an advantage over other candidates.

Most companies organize pre-placement talks (PPT) in any college before starting their recruitment process. Some students do not attend it, while others do not pay attention. One should attend PPT talks with a pen and a piece of paper and note down important points. These points have to be used while answering questions in non-technical or HR/managerial rounds. When an aspirant uses examples/ phrases from PPT talks, it reflects enthusiasm and eagerness to work with the organization. The HR panel gets the feeling that even if the candidate may lack in certain aspects, he will make up for it during training. He gets a lead over a  candidate who has better technical knowledge but does not show interest in the company or any eagerness to learn and has a high probability of moving to some other company within no time. HR panel will go with the candidate whom they will assume to be more stable with the company.

Always prepare some examples and illustrations for standard questions such as ‘What are your strengths and weaknesses?’. The examples should look realistic and your experience with your strengths and weaknesses should show.

These are some of the pro tips that most candidates do not prepare. This is what’s that EXTRA in your basic preparation for any company.


Check the following article to prepare the best answers for the most common interview questions:

How To Answer The Best Common Job Interview Questions?

We will continue the series on communication skills, job interviews and group discussions. Subscribe to our newsletter to get notified.

Written by Story Brunch


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