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How To Answer The Best Common Job Interview Questions?

Best Answers For Common Interview Questions Explained

Photo by Edmond Dantès:

An interview is the most important part of the job selection process. Interviews are designed to test not only knowledge but the overall personality, reasoning skills, logical ability as well and presence of mind. A good interview can undo the damage done in the written test of the selection process.

In fact, it’s the interview that matters eventually the most whether one will be selected for the post or not. 


Keeping it precise, We shall directly get to the common questions asked in an interview and the most suitable answers for those questions. We will also mention the ways to frame your own answer depending on the role and company in which you are seeking a job.

Let us begin.

1. Tell us something about yourself 

The best way to approach this question is to start with your name, your educational background, your hometown, your hobbies, and your strengths in a nutshell. Many job aspirants err in this question by going on a very lengthy description of themselves. The basic attribute that the interviewer is looking for in your answer is how precisely you can describe your whole personality in a few sentences. This question is also designed to make candidates feel at ease with the interview board by beginning on an easy note.

A sample answer- 

I am John Adams from New York City. I have done my schooling at Don Bosco school and completed my graduation in B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. My father is a professor and my mother is a homemaker. My hobbies include sketching, painting, and cycling. I’m good with mechanical drawings and MetLab. I have also won XYZ scholarships and interned at XYZ company in mechanical design.


The answer here contains almost all the details that can describe the candidate succinctly. The last sentence mentions the strong areas of the candidate and directs the interviewer indirectly to ask questions about those areas. Always present a few achievements in your introduction as you are making a pitch to ‘sell’ yourself to the company. 


2. What are your strengths? 

This question is generally asked to know if you fit perfectly for the role you have applied to. While answering this question you should always remember that you do not have to bluff in any manner. The interviewer may ask you questions related to those strong aspects of your personality. In the absence of a proper answer from your side, your chances for selection will be almost nil. 

Many students use this question as an opportunity to showcase their behavioral skills and work aptitude.  

A sample answer – 

My strengths are problem-solving skills, communication skills, perseverance, and patience needed to complete a task. Playing basketball has also induced the ability to perform well as a team member. 


In this question, aspirants have to note that they have to keep the answer precise. Your answers shouldn’t appear to be boastful or arrogant. One should prepare this question by thinking of examples that may be needed if the interviewer asks any question related to your strengths. For example, in the above sample answer, the interviewee mentions problem-solving skills as one of his strengths. The interviewer may ask him to tell one incident from his life in which he realized that he had some good problem-solving aptitude. If you do not answer this question properly, then the board will get the message that you have simply prepared a copy-paste answer from Google. Similarly, you have to prepare one example or a background story related to each of the strengths you are going to mention in the interview. 


3. What are your weaknesses? 

The motive behind asking this question is to know how honest the aspirant is. But you don’t have to be only honest, but smart too in answering it. You should not expose or tell any weakness of yours to the panel which can be detrimental to your work, or which may hamper the projects you are assigned to.For example, you should not say that you are bad at team work. One must try to mention the weaknesses which are not going to affect your performance as an engineer, technician, administrator or whatever role you are going to take in the organisation.  

A sample answer- 

Sir, One of my biggest weaknesses is that I cannot resist delicious food, I’m a big foodie. Also, my relatives complaint that I’m not very good at expressing myself in personal relations. 


The candidate  here mentions being foodie as his biggest weakness.This is not going to affect his performance at the assigned role. The second part of the answer reveals the frank nature of the candidate which can be considered a sign of honesty. His inability to be expressive in personal relations will not be affecting his work. Answers should always be customized depending on the job and role you’re applying . For example, being bad at expressing yourself in personal relations may go against your chances of selection if you are applying for a marketing job while it may not affect at all if you are sitting for an engineering job .  


4. What are your hobbies? 

Hobbies related question is another great opportunity to showcase your skills and personality. The kind of lesiure activities you get involved in reveal a lot about the kind of person you are. Always go for hobbies which enrich your personality. 

Sample answer- 

My hobbies are sketching, painting and cycling. I also love playing online chess in my free time. 

Sketching and painting as hobbies tell about your creative mind which will be a bonus in any kind of job. Cycling tells about your enthusiasm towards fitness and hence, discipline in life.Playing chess as a hobby says that you like problem solving and challenging your brain even in free time.

5. Why do you want to work here? 

This is one of the most important questions asked during an interview to test your passion towards the role in the company you have applied to. 

When answering this question you have to keep  in mind that your reply should address following three points-  

  1. Your passion for the work and company’s objectives 
  2. Your personality attributes and skills, which make you the perfect candidate for the job. 
  3. Your growth in career and job enrichment you are looking forward to.

At the core,you have to show alignment in organisational goals and your life goals. Fit and compatibility between both should be perceptible.


The art here lies in framing a reply relating all the above 3 points in a concise manner. 

Sample answer for a Civil Engineer-  

I want to work in this company because of the work culture and ethical values associated with the brand. Coming from a disciplined simple family , it goes well with my personality and provides me great ambience to grow in my career. Hailing  from a rural background, I have seen how infrastructure projects play crucial role in upliftment of a society. Your company being a leading name in EPC projects, provides me ample opportunity to contribute to national development. My interest area is structural engineering and  I will be enthusiastic towards designing and innovating even in R&D work.


All the 3 points mentioned earlier have been covered very aptly precisely in the sample answer. You just have to pick the basic framework and add elements depending upon your field.



6. Why should We hire you ?  

In this question you have to be your own marketeer. You have to showcase your skills and achievements which make you the desirable person for the post. Always modify your reply depending on the position and work type you are aspiring for. 

Sample Answer for a Civil Engineer- 

I should be hired because of my interest and required ability in structural engineering, which can add value to the company. My problem solving skills can help in addressing technical challenges in designing. My internship and project work will prove to be beneficial in meeting the requirements of the job. Communication skills will help me in issues pertaining to vendors and contractors.I believe,these skill sets make me a desirable candidate for the role of a graduate engineer trainee in this reputed firm . 


Make sure not to over sell yourself or appear bragging. Body language should deliver both, your confidence and modesty at the same time. This reply needs good amount of previous practice.



7. Do you have questions for us?  

This question is the best chance to prove that you are genuinely looking forward to be an integral part of the company . It will give a perception to the employers about how serious you are to work with them.

Sample answer-  

May I get an idea about day to day work culture in the company from your own experience ? I have heard a lot about the awesome work culture but it will be great to listen to first hand experience from seniors like you. I am also curious to know about the  leadership positions the company provides after 5-10 years of service.


Seeking information about leadership positions 5-10 years down the lines tells that you are looking for a very long association with the firm.Query on work culture demonstrates that you are already hopeful of working there.

No one should say ‘No question’ when the board asks him/her if he/she has any query. It shows lack of curiosity and interest  in your attitude towards the job you are seeking.


8. Are you looking for opportunities in other companies? How long do you plan to stay in this company after you get selected? 


This is a tricky question to know whether you are interested in the company or you perceive it simply as an employment opportunity. If you say no, it is a clear indication that you are either irrational in decision making,or you are  lying as any logical candidate will always apply for as many opportunities as possible.  

Sample answer- 

Sir, I have applied for two more companies as back up in case I do not get selected in this company. If I do get selected ,of which am hopeful, I plan to stay in this company for at least 5 years as I believe that the experience and insights I will gain by working here will provide me a perfect launchpad in my career . I have a lot to gain here in long term than by shifting from one firm to another every sixth month for some salary hikes.



9. Where do you see yourself 5/10 years from now? 


Another challenging question to judge your ambitions and enthusiasm for work and hence,another opportunity to score some points by answering aptly. 

Sample answer for a Civil engineer-  

5/10 years down the line I see myself leading a project in the company, excelling in team work,and enriching myself enough with work experience to serve the company and society at large. I am looking forward to hone my skills in structural engineering and reach a better position,both role and pay wise. It will be desirable if I make it up to some leadership position too in future here.




If you analyze above sample answers properly,you will realize that interviews are all about subtle messaging through your answers in which you have to show your skills and interest in the job profile which make you the most desirable candidate among all applicants. Every candidate should prepare model answers in written  and do good amount of mock practice before the actual interview. This will induce confidence and not make you look like a nervous job seeker.

Interview gives employers a chance to judge suitability of an aspirant,at the same time it gives the candidates opportunity to play the board smartly through his/her replies.



Share this article with your family and friends who are preparing for a job interview to help them get through the selection process with flying colors.

Do check our article on secret mantra to take a lead over competitors in a job interview:

How to Clear Job Interview in One Round?


Written by Story Brunch


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