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How a lively Zareen became a dead Zara ?

Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay

The most gorgeous girl of the college, Zara was found hanging by a ceiling fan in her rented apartment.

A Short Story

Some people have the capability to create waves in the first look,so was Zareen Rehman, the fresher girl in our college,one year junior to us. She had become the talk of the campus since the day she stepped inside college premises for counseling to get admitted in one of the most prestigious colleges of India .

I spotted her the  first time outside the convocation hall,dressed in red and green suite,with a big blue folder carrying her documents.A damsel beauty she was ! It will be an underestimate if I compare her with any of the top Hollywood actresses, 5.8 height, well built, sand hour glass figure , stats better than Kardashian , hair locks covering her face till  forehead.

One could never see her full face because of hairlocks above her brows,her hairlength extending upto her waist. Such a beauty was not a usual thing in a premier engineering college.She became the dream girl of the college,every student wanted to woo her. Day of many would be made if she simply gestured a ‘Hi’ with her hands. She had become a craze, a phenomena within no time.

What added to her beauty was the simple attire she would dress in, the elegance of her character and the humility she carried ,despite being the most popular girl in the college.

But things were not going to stay the same for long.Evil eyes got her. She came in contact with ‘mah lyfe mah rulz’ group on the campus. The group believed in breaking all the socio-cultural norms in the name of  pseudo feminism . Breaking regressive norms is any day a welcome step,but when someone tries to overdo it by getting detached to one’s cultural civilizational values,it has disastrous consequences.

She smarted smoking, drinking,and hanging out with boys late night,to the extent of bunking classes and staying out of the hostel.All in the name of breaking societal barriers.

The change was drastic,the suit and salwar girl could be then often seen in chocolate brown mini skirt,a leather jacket over her sleeveless white top and knee hugging boots. Nothing was wrong with the dress,she looked more gorgeous than ever,but what followed with the dress was cultural depravity. Her parents would be summoned often due to her absence from hostel late night, but for her,obeying her parents had become a symbol of patriarchal society.

Zareen Rehman had become Zara .

One fine day I came to know that she had  become a member of the Dope-gang. In  most colleges there is a group of guys who take drugs and weed,illegally. The group comprises of students from all the years,there is a different kind of bonhomie among them across the senior-junior line. It was going to be a point of no return for Zara.

She flunked in many papers next semester,enough to not get a hostel seat. She had to stay in a rented apartment just outside the college campus,with the dope gang which had already been residing outside.

Since it was not easy for girls to procure such stuff, she became totally dependent on the guys in dope gang to satisfy her addiction. Same was the case with Zara,and that was the reason for her stay with the dope gang.Her body and mind had become addicted to drugs and weed.

Morally degraded members of the gang started abusing her in exchange of weed supply. Mental abuse ,sexual abuse became part of her life. She was not strong enough to quit the world of drugs and  stop the abuse. She would have to engage in sex with many guys in a week,just to maintain her continuous supply of drugs. They would often beat her, humiliate her after getting intoxicated.

The dream girl of everyone in the college had become a toy to satisfy all the pervert desires of a group of corrupt guys.

Things had to take an ugly turn.

One fine day the college woke up to the news of Zara’s suicide. Her suicide letter read-

‘I had come too far,in the wrong direction.’

Written by Story Brunch


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