
Denuclearisation of Pakistan- The Conspiracy

Pakistan conducted first nuclear tests in May,1998 ,just months after India’s nuclear tests,becoming the 8th country in the world to do so,and the first from Islamic world.

The world was taken aback by nuclear tests,though Americans did have a clue about Abdul Qadeer Khan’s ,Pakistan’s chief Nuclear scientist’s hiden activities in the international arms market to procure dual use technology for development of nuclear weapons.

It was not that everyone was aloof of the work going on in Pakistan on nuclear bombs development. After all, Abdul Qadeer Khan was an employee of European Uranium Enrichment Centrifuge Corporation – URENCO, for years before leaving to Pakistan to aid in Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s quest for nuclear bombs after losing Eastern Pakistan,now Bangladesh. Pakistan had faced a crushing defeat at the hands of India just an year ago.

USA kept turning a blind eye because Pakistan was an ally to America and NATO and had been aiding USA in thwarting USSR from Afghan soil. India,keeping which in mind Pakistan was making the weapons, had a friendship treaty with USSR,a rival to USA. Europe dual-use technology export laws were not stringent enough to stop Pakistan.


Apart from various governments across the world, there was one more corridor of power,the oldest one in the world,where the bells had started ringing.

It was the Vatican.

Nuclear tests by Pakistan,the first by a Muslim country meant that the centuries old rival other major monotheistic religion in the world, i.e. Islam, had acquired the technology,and it could proliferate to the whole of Islamic world.

Meetings and discussions propped up by Vatican between orthodox Christians from different governments in the Europe and America started taking place.

One of the biggest conspiracies had to be worked upon-  how to denuclearise  Pakistan ,rather Islam?

After several rounds of high level discussions in the ‘Christian world’ spanning more than a year, a roadmap was prepared- to DENUCLEARISE PAKISTAN.

It was not going to be an easy job,nor a quick one.

A 3-decades long strategy was worked out. One of the first major decisions taken was to keep a constant vigil to prevent proliferation of nuclear technology to the Greater Islamic world– other Muslim countries,specially Iran led by radical Ayatollah Khomeini, and Iraq led by fascist Saddam Hussein. Constant watch led to foiling of these transfers of technology from Pakistan in early 2000s and  Abdul Qadeer Khan was prosecuted and placed under house arrest for 6 years.

9/11 slowed down the route to denuclearise Pakistan,as USA  needed its help to launch attack on Afghan Taliban and Al-qaeda.

The strategy included not allowing Pakistan to fail economically as it would lead to nuclear technology going in the hands of rogue  non-state actors and could be used in making ‘Dirty bombs’.

As per the roadmap, economic aid from USA ,Europe ,IMF, and World Bank had to keep flowing to Pakistan,enough to survive,but not thrive.As a result,Pakistan would reach a stage where it would never be able to repay the huge debts piling over decades,and would concede to any demand by international western community, or the ‘Christian world’.

And then,the final step of the conspiracy will be activated.

Waiving off of the debts will have following conditions.

  • Pakistan will have to give away all of its nuclear arsenal,and enriched uranium.
  • All nuclear research labs of Pakistan will come under the direct supervision of IAEA.
  • All civil nuclear power plants will be under control of IAEA till they reach their life cycle.
  • Pakistan will be compensated with several squadrons of 5th gen stealth fighter jets to make up for its defence .
  • All nuclear scientists of Pakistan will be compensated monetarily, will be settled in a special colony somewhere in Europe and will be under constant watch till they or their immediate family members are alive.

The final stage will be reached sometime around mid 2030s.


China Angle?

China’s support to Pakistan as a rival to India had been considered at length during strategy discussions.It was concluded that in the long run,China won’t be able to support 2 rogue countries economically at a time,North Korea in the North East and Pakistan in the South West.

Also,if it came to China choosing any one among both,China will go with North Korea and ditch Pakistan due to 2 reasons-

  • North Korea is a communist country like China- one of the few remaining in the world.
  • North Korea is geographically better placed to counter USA in future compared to Pakistan ,not to forget China is eyeing the superpower position from USA.


One can write down in comments what one thinks about this conspiracy theory.

Written by Story Brunch


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