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Time to Speak Up: Why Women Need To Oppose Political Parties Sponsoring Trolls?

Image by Travis Anderson from Pixabay

Very few people tend to realize that online trolling has deleterious effects on the real world too. We are living in a world where political parties make use of trolls to silence voices from the opposition. Women are the softest targets of online trolls and are subjected to the vilest of slurs, misogynist comments, and sexually provocative abuses. These online slurs outrage the modesty of a woman.

In India, this problem has reached gigantic proportions in which abusive trolls associated with different wings and tacitly supported by handles directly affiliated with political parties indulge in the sexist and misogynist abuse of women.

Many of these abusive trolls are women themselves who are part of politically affiliated groups. The abusive trolls are ignored by political parties as they help in amplifying political messages through their small channels and groups.

The call to women’s safety and security by the leaders of these parties does not reflect in real tangible actions when it comes to online trolling by people from their own side. While the women in prominent positions, like journalists and politicians, are able to call out the abusive handles and get them punished, the common girls and women become easy prey to the trolls culture propagated by these parties.

The increase in ethnocentrism in recent years and the rise of conservatives has propelled many anti-feminist handles who believe that women should not be part of the public discourse on politics, economy, and culture. Abusing and trolling liberal women should be seen as a way to silence women on public platforms.

Not long back there was a case in India in which some online trolls were found indulging in a game of virtual auction of prominet Muslim women and cases were registered.

Impact of Online Trolling On Real World

Trolling online has become a major problem in recent years, and its impact on women in the real world has been particularly severe. Trolling refers to the act of deliberately causing distress or offense to others through online behavior. It can take many forms, including spreading false information, posting inflammatory or off-topic messages, or engaging in personal attacks.

Women are particularly vulnerable to trolling, and they are often targeted because of their gender. Trolls use social media to harass and intimidate women, often with the intention of silencing their voices and discouraging them from participating in public discourse. This can take the form of rape and death threats, the spreading of personal information, and the dissemination of false information about their personal lives and opinions.

The normalization of trolling and harassment online can have a spillover effect into the real world, where individuals who engage in such behavior online may feel emboldened to harass and intimidate women in public spaces. They may see such behavior as acceptable or even desirable, and they may feel less accountable for their actions because they are not face-to-face with their victims.

This can normalize and legitimize eve teasing in the real world, making it more likely for individuals to engage in such behavior.

The impact of online trolling on eve-teasing in the real world is significant and far-reaching. Eve teasing can restrict their ability to participate in public life and access public spaces. This can have serious consequences for women’s safety and well-being, as well as for the overall health and stability of society.

The impact of trolling on women is far-reaching and affects their mental health, well-being, and safety. Women who are targeted by trolls often experience feelings of fear, anxiety, and depression, and they may withdraw from online communities or refrain from participating in public discourse for fear of further harassment. This can have a chilling effect on women’s ability to engage in online activism, journalism, or politics, and it can undermine the principles of free speech and open communication that are at the heart of democratic societies.

In some cases, trolling has led to real-world crimes against women, including physical and sexual assault, stalking, and domestic violence. Trolls who make threats and engage in harassment online often escalate their behavior to include real-world violence, particularly if they are not held accountable for their actions. This can result in serious harm to women and their families, and it highlights the need for effective measures to prevent and respond to trolling.

In addition to the direct impact on women, trolling also contributes to a broader culture of misogyny and violence against women. Trolling reinforces negative stereotypes about women and perpetuates the idea that they are weaker, less intelligent, and less deserving of respect than men. This can normalize violence against women and contribute to an environment in which women are more likely to experience harassment and abuse both online and offline.

The rise of trolling is a result of several factors, including the ease with which anonymous accounts can be created on social media platforms, the lack of effective moderation and enforcement systems, and the growing influence of extremist and hate-filled ideologies. Addressing this issue will require a multi-faceted approach, including education and awareness-raising, the development of effective moderation and enforcement systems, and a commitment to fostering a positive and inclusive online culture.

In conclusion, trolling online is leading to crimes against women in the real world, and it is having a significant impact on their mental health, well-being, and safety. Women are particularly vulnerable to trolling, and they are often targeted because of their gender. The impact of trolling on women reinforces negative stereotypes about women and contributes to a broader culture of misogyny and violence against women. Addressing this issue will require a concerted effort from social media platforms, governments, and civil society, including education and awareness-raising, the development of effective moderation and enforcement systems, and a commitment to fostering a positive and inclusive online culture.


The Way Forward

It’s time women come forward and raise their voices against the prevalent culture of gender-based trolling. Questions should be raised to political leaders who give big slogans about women’s safety but it’s their own party’s social media handles that promote abusive trolls on Twitter and Facebook. At an individual level, women are suggested to take the help of cyber security agencies against cyberbullying and file cases. Journalists and academicians should document all such cases of cyber harassment and raise awareness. There should be a linking of social media profiles with valid identity proofs by social media platforms so that culprits can be caught easily. It will ensure both anonymity of handles and the safety of women online.

It’s not only the real world but also a safe virtual world that we have to hand over to future generations.

Written by Story Brunch


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