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OFF-GRID Living- What is it and Why its gaining momentum in USA and Europe ?

Image by Mike Goad from Pixabay

Off Grid Living

Off Grid living means living a sustainable lifestyle amidst the green forests, blue waters and fresh air.

It reduces the carbon footprint of a person  and helps in environmental conservation. One can make his own house using materials from forests like wood and leaves,one can grow crops and eat fresh food,rear own cattle and live a peaceful life far from the maddening crowds of the cities and metros ,with no pollution to harm lungs and no rush in life to give stress and anxiety.

Off grid living is basically living in the nature,with the help of the nature.

One has to utilize resources from the nature itself to sustain  livelihood and lifestyle, and use power from natural sources such as sun and wind and not the electricity from power grids. While it may appear adventurous like camping,but the facts are contrary to perception.One has to prepare oneself mentally and physically for years and develop certain skill sets to survive off grid,far from the shopping malls and grocery stores available at nooks and corners of cities. Those who go off grid learn about growing and harvesting crops, using power from streams and winds, first aid techniques for medical emergency and other survival skills.Moving with family adds to responsibility and one will have to take into consideration needs of the children as well. Its a tough and life changing choice for people.You won’t have facility to order online cabs and foods at the touch of your smartphones,no internet connection, no netflix,no youtube.

In USA and many European countries many people have moved off grid. Some have moved back to the comfort of towns and cities while those who survived enjoy their off grid lifestyle and are more than content in nature’s lap. Almost all had problems in adjusting to a new way of life in the initial few months as it was paradigm shift in lifestyle. For all it was a life changing experience and some did not ever think of returning back to the chaos of the crowds in the cities. Some of them left their corporate jobs,well established clinics, teaching jobs etc to settle off grid.

Off grid lifestyle makes you self sufficient and trains your family to become self reliant.But it comes at a cost of good preparation. While moving off grid, 3 basic things which one has to take care of are- Food ,Water and Shelter.

Other important facility which one will need is electric power,which one can generate either from small hydro plant,a wind turbine or solar panels.

Settling off grid,living sustainably are probably one of the best and most life changing decision one can make, but care should be taken for safety and security of the family in the wilderness,Without proper preparation one shall risk not only his life but even that of his close ones who go off grid with him/her.

OFF GRID Life in India

In India the trend of off grid lifestyle has not really kicked in,and even those few people who move out of cities to settle in countryside cannot be said to have gone off grid as they use facilities like internet and electricity just like those in cities. Basically they have moved to countryside and are living a comparatively more sustainable life and not off grid in true sense.

Off Grid life can be rewarding for many, both physically and mentally, as they can live with mental peace far from the crowd , and green environment, pollution free air and fresh food and the endeavor to sustain will lead to a healthy lifestyle.

Best locations for off grid life in India






ManaliHimachal Pradesh

KasauliHimachal Pradesh

DarjeelingWest Bengal

Solan, Nauni regionHimachal Pradesh


Mussoorie- Uttarakhand


There are many areas along the Western Ghats in Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu which are suitable for off grid lifestyle.

South Goa can also be a preferred choice for many who want to have luxury of both forests and beaches.

We have not included many good areas in the list because they are not as safe and secure as those in the list,specially from Eastern and Kashmir regions.

StoryBrunch has handpicked the best videos on Off-Grid Life for readers,check them out :

Share the article with the person with whom you wish to spend an Off-Grid Life far from the rush of the cities.

Written by Story Brunch


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