
5 Critical Things to do in Your 20s- Positive Call

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Life Hacks

Twitter handle Positive Call which shares ‘Insights on Human Capital,Online Business and Personal Growth’ and gives tips to ‘Become self-funded and retire early’ has shared some valuable things to do in 20s ,when you have sufficient time and opportunity to shape your future.

1. Control

You’re the master of your own life.

Allow yourself:

– not to follow others

– not let others control

Listen to others. But don’t let to take control. Decide what you want yourself. When you fail, you can’t blame anybody.

Aim for success. Aim high. Aim big.

2. Time

If you’re in your 20s, you’re lucky!

You’re a time billionaire.

Time is the best asset.


– don’t think that time: infinite

– don’t make excuses

– don’t compare


– do something [build]

– invest [knowledge]

– eliminate [negativity]

Invest in your time!

3. Feel worthy

You’re not a mistake!

The biggest thing feeling self pity arises from comparing with others.


Someone else’s success doesn’t determine your failure.

Your existence is:

• non-negotiable

• non-debatable

Find out what it’s you were born to do.

4. Loyalty

Real is rare. Fake is everywhere.

To find the right friends, look at the right places.

At the right places who:

– think like you

– act like you

– speak like you

– like what you like

Finding real one is like hitting the right jackpot.

True Friend is the Energy!

5. Educate

In a world full of distractions, power:

• focus

• attention

• discipline

You don’t want to spoil yourself with:

– porn

– social media

– indecision

90% of the information is JUNK.

Learn to:

+ filter

+ relearn

+ unlearn

A clear mind is a focused MIND.

Wrap Up:

1. Control >>> Learn to control

2. Time >>> Your biggest asset

3. Worth >>> You deserve good

4. Loyalty >>> Money can’t buy

5. Educate >>> Filter things

20s are true north to 30s 40s. Don’t be selfish. You won’t be alone in future. Think about your future family.

Link to the Full Thread

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Written by Story Brunch


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